Winter Croquet 2022/23 report

Report by Martin

The winter season croquet proved to be highly popular, both on Wednesday and Sunday. Both sessions attracted between 16 and 20 players on most occasions, and on Wednesday 22 February there were 24!

 In total, 31 members took part in both sessions, a small cohort opting to play on Wednesday only.

It is gratifying that both leagues were won by relatively new players. Colin Carr won the Wednesday league with 222 points and John Picken scored 171 points to take the Sunday trophy. Luckily, both trophies were not displayed together, otherwise the disparity in size would be noticeable. At least the Sunday trophy is hallmarked.

Huge thanks to Julie who did most of the Sunday catering and to Lesley who stepped in to fill in on occasions.

The three small lawns were, at best, challenging but allowed everyone to play “approximate” croquet.

Hopefully, the bowling green area will be brought up to a higher standard over 2023, that’s where the working parties will be concentrated.

Wednesday top 5:
1st Colin C 222
2nd Steph 218
3rd Penny 200
4th Jenny 187
5th Eileen 184

Sunday top 5:
1st John 171
2nd Julie 159
3rd Martin 155
4th Eileen 149
5th Avril 148