In light of the change to government restrictions applicable from 1st June, the CA has issued new guidance on what is acceptable in terms of croquet:
In short, we can now have 4 players on a lawn, for either double banked singles games or for one doubles game of either AC or GC. The other conditions below remain in place. We do not have enough lawn capacity to allow open club sessions at present.
Please continue to use the Croquet Booking site described in the 13th May news item. You will now see two sessions available for each lawn, a primary lawn and a secondary lawn. Some tips on how to use this new flexibility:
1) If you want to play doubles then please book both the primary and secondary parts of the same lawn – eg as two singles pairs.
2) Do not try to double bank with a different format of game – the booking system will discourage or prevent you from doing so anyway.
3) Try to book contiguous time slots if they work for you – ie try not to leave short gaps between your booking and the adjacent one in time.
4) If you fancy a game but don’t have an opponent then book a lawn with your name with a note saying looking for opponent.
5) If you see a lawn booked for watering or maintenance, please don’t try to double bank a game on it.
6) Now the complex bit. Lawn 2 can be split in two ways. It is marked out as half lawns so as to allow AC coaching, practice for beginners and one-ball games. So Lawn 2 primary can be either the full lawn with primary balls or the half nearest the shelter. Lawn 2 secondary can be either the full lawn with secondary balls or the half furthest from the shelter. If you want to book lawn 2 primary as a half lawn please mark it for AC (green) and put a note on the booking that it is for a half lawn. Then someone booking lawn 2 secondary will know that they are getting a half lawn.