Trophies were awarded at our club AGM in November to the winners of competitions within the club and further afield.  Our new chairman Tim King presented the trophies.  Tim was also the worthy winner of Ashby’s Player of the Year award.

Below is the full list of winners.

ASHBY CROQUET CLUB 2017 Honours List

Dave Davis Trophy (NYD)      Winners Rachel Rowe, George Allen

Runners-up Tim King, Lynda Allen

Shakespeare Cup AC            Winner Arthur Rowe, Runner-up Mick Haytack

One Ball                     Winner Derek Buxton, Runner-up Mick Haytack

Clive Pearson doubles GC      Winners Mike O’Brian, Julie Boulton

Perry Bowl (Ladies) GC         Winner Julie Boulton    

Farrant Salver AC       

Max Morris GC                     Winner Ray Mounfield

Buxton Vase GC                   Winner Tim King

Winter League GC                Winner Chris Mounfield, Runner-up Ray Mounfield

Moira Quaich GC          Winner Tim King, Runner-up Chris Mounfield

March Mallet GC doubles       Winners Ray & Chris Mounfield

Anniversary Shield AC          Winner Tim King, Runner-up Adam Wheatley

Bottle challenge GC              Winner Rachel Rowe, Runner-up Will Gee

East Midlands Federation

Bass Shield                 Winners Ashby

GC Veterans                       Runner-up  Mike O’Brian

EM 26pt league AC               Winners Ashby (Richard, Derek, Heather)


Inter club GC                      Winners  Ashby (Will, Rachel, Mike, Tim, David)

Inter counties GC         Winners Leicestershire  (Mike, Nick, Ray, Rachel, Will, Tim, Chris)

Kate Jones GC                     Winner       Tim King

Ascot Cup GC                      Runner-up Tim King

National Forest GC               Runner-up David Bell

Other events

Letchworth advanced AC       Winner Nick Mounfield

Nottingham annual AC          Handicap doubles.         Runner-up Derek Buxton
      Handicap singles.           Runner-up Derek Buxton

Nottingham GC Tournament  Winner         Rachel Rowe

Lancashire Open GC             Winner  Tim King

Kenilworth GC doubles          Winners Arthur Rowe, Judith Rowe

Home Internationals GC                Winners  England (Rachel in the team)

                                3rd Place Wales (Arthur in the team)